At Starfish School the meals are mostly vegetarian and are always very healthy. Often the meals contain beans, rice and salad. What would it be like if our school was vegetarian? No sweets or crisps are allowed at Starfish School. We asked lots of children if they enjoy the food at school and they all said yes.
Each class is learning all about healthy eating this term. They are learning about eating "balanced" meals. This means the meals have some carbohydrates like pasta, some protien (from fish or meat) and some fibre (from vegetables.)
Primo ano (year 2) have learned how to make a healthy fruit salad:
The infantil classes (reception) they have made balanced, healthy sandwiches from coloured foam.
They are also reading Jack and the Beanstalk ( Joao e o Pe de Feijao)
Segundo ano (year 3) have been learning a song all about eating vegetables. it is called "Pe de Nabo"
Have you talked about healthy eating with your parents or teachers? Why is it important to eat healthy food?
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